History Commission
History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation
Chair: Gerald Schimpf (Austria)
Member Nations: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, USA
Languages: This commission operates in German and English.
Starting Year: 1998
Operational Procedures: One yearly meeting in October.
Way of communication: E-mail: Contact Gerald Schimpf
For a list of official CTIF Museums and Collections, click here
The objectives of our Commission are:
- Assistance in the preparation of fire service history in general and in special cases (thematic) for the members of the CTIF coordination.
- Certification of fire service museums and fire service collections. This should be a quality feature for the respective fire service museums and at the same time make CTIF known.
- Classification of historical fire engines. This should be a quality feature for the respective fire brigade and their vehicle and at the same time make the CTIF known.
- Advising the fire brigades and associations in matters of fire service history and archiving.
- Administration of the CTIF Museum in Pribyslav with local museum staff
- Organization of an annual committee meeting
Products of the Commission:
1. Regulations for the certification of fire service museums and fire service collections
2. Regulations for the classification of historical fire engines
Delegates of the member countries:
▪ Akimova Aleksandra - Russia
▪ Auvinen Jari - Finland
▪ Barinova Yulia - Russia
▪ Berki Imre - Hungary - Chairman Deputy
▪ Casano Nicoletta - Belgium
▪ Faes Luc - Belgium
▪ Fajfar Janez - Slovenia
▪ Fastl Christian K. - Austria
▪ Fucarino-Kirn Gloria - Switzerland
▪ Gąsiorczyk Paweł - Poland
▪ Janeba Lubomir - Czech Republic
▪ Jannsen John - Denmark
▪ Juncker Patrick - Luxembourg
▪ Klaedtke Bernd - Germany
▪ Koutri Alexandra-Ioanna - Greece
▪ Lombardo Federico - Italy
▪ Löwe Carsten - Germany
▪ Martins Marco - Portugal
▪ Mitra Clemente - Portugal
▪ Muller Patrick - Luxembourg
▪ Naiden Tatiana - Russia
▪ Patek Jiri - Czech Republic
▪ Paulus Ivo - Estonia
▪ Považan Vladimír - Slovakia
▪ Runjić Vedran - Croatia
▪ Schmauch Jean-Francois - France
▪ Scorynina Nina - Russia
▪ Slaughter Rodney - USA
▪ Teternik Andrei - Belarus
▪ Tomat Viljem - Slovenia
▪ Van Haasteren Bianca - Netherlands
Honorary members of the CTIF and the Commission:
▪ Farrenkopf Dieter - Germany - Honorary Chairman
▪ Schinnerl Adolf- Austria - Honorary Chairman
Section for the classification of historical fire engines according to the CTIF regulations:
▪ Juncker Patrick - Luxembourg - Engine classification coordinator
Section for certification of fire service museums and fire service collections according to CTIF regulations:
▪ Knaß-Roßmann Katrin - Austria - Museum certification coordinator
International Study Group for the History of Fire Service and Fire Protection in the CTIF:
▪ Fastl Christian K. - Austria - Chairman
▪ Klaedtke Bernd - Germany - Chairman Deputy
▪ Gąsiorczyk Paweł - Poland - Management Board
▪ Knaß-Roßmann Katrin - Austria - Management Board
▪ Van Haasteren Bianca - Netherlands - Management Board
The International Study Group is an open community that works on various topics. Anyone interested can participate. The Study Group acts on behalf of the CTIF History Commission.
A conference volume on the respective topics will be published.
Members of the History Commission 2023 in Germany (c) Ulrich Lindert