Swedish flag


Representative organization
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Yvonne Näsman

Country area: 450,000 km2
Number of inhabitants: 9,1 million.
Capital city: Stockholm
Number of inhabitants in Stockholm: 800,000
Emergency number: 112
Number of fire fighters in Sweden:
5,300 career fire fighters 
11,000 volunteer fire fighters
Number of fire stations in Sweden:
125 career fire stations
650 volunteer fire stations

(source: Pompiers d’Europe, 2008)


Learn more about the the Swedish National CTIF Committee

MSB Logo English

Each member country of CTIF is encouraged to have a National Committee, which serves as the local chapter of CTIF. CTIF Sweden is represented by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB.se), however the Swedish National CTIF Committee consists if members from several organisations with connection to fire services throughout Sweden.


Learn more about CTIF Sweden


CTIF Sweden is also a member of a cooperation between three other Nordic countries, Norway, Finland and Denmark, and together they form "The CTIF Nordic Countries Committee" , who aims to meet once per year to discuss issues concerning the Nordic region. 


Contact the chair of the Swedish National Committee