3rd National Conference on Urban Safety and Fire Service in Iran
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The third National Fire & Urban Safety Conference is an opportunity to witness the research achievements and expertise on relevant issues.
It is hoped that this scientific and research event will provide the opportunity to exchange the latest achievements associated with the conferences,and with the benefit Making the results,planning and insufficient to improve the safety Available in urban and residential elements we provide.
To view the Web Page of this event, click here
Topics of the Third Firefighting Conference and Urban Safety
Systems and achievements of safety management and urban firefighting
Technical and Engineering knowledge in the field of safety and fire prevention
Analysis of fire-related incidents in urban transportation(urban roads and tunnels)
Insurance and the role of it in reducing the effects of incidents
New technologies in fire detection and smoke control
Operational achievements in fire extinction in high-rise buildings
Socio-cultural economic and environmental aspects in urban
Standard and effective methods of public safety education and urban firefighting
Collective responsibility in disasters and major incidents
Study of the environmental impacts of major incidents
Evaluation and identification of safety culture indicators and its upgrading strategies
Volunteer firefighter (volunteer firefighters and urban safety)
Physical fitness - Mental health and special skills in fire services.
Intra-organizational challenges including workforce management staff firefighters (performance pathology and strategy presentation)
Application of space technology and remote sensing
study of the laws regulations and approvals of Tehran City Council on the effectiveness and promotion of the city s level of safety
Dangerous effects of chemical microbial and radiation
Predictions and safety measures for hazardous centers in the city
influence of social media and cyberspace on safety culture
Special topics of the conference:
Incident Command Structure(ICS)
Standard Operating Procedures(SOP)
Management and control in subway & civil tunnels incidents
Resistance of high rise structure against fire (fire safety of high rise structure )
Management and control CBRN incidents
Management and command in large incident