Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue met in Fairfax during iWomen conference
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The CTIF Commission for Women in Fire and Rescue Services met this week in Fairfax, Virginia for two days. The topics discussed were about pregnancy and maternity issues, career support, technical and material things, cancer and #metoo.
By Commission Chair Mira Leinonen
The Commission gave new recommendations about these subjects to member countries. These will be updated to the Commission’s homepage here on
The delightful thing in this meeting was to get more attending members in from Ireland, Canada and USA. We had also a guest from Switzerland participating the meeting. Other member countries in the meeting were Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Finland and Sweden.
The Commission meeting was held during the iWomen network conference in Fairfax, VA, "Embracing Success – Mind, Body & Soul", Hosted by Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department (May 24th – 26th, 2018).
The next meeting of the Commission will be held in the 25th -26th of September in Vienna, Austria.