At least 91 dead in the earthquake in Indonesia
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An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 has occurred north of the islands of Lombok and Bali in Indonesia. The same area was hit by an earthquake a week ago.
At least 91 people have died on the popular tourist island of Lombok, according to the Indonesian authorities, according to AP, on Monday morning. The death rate may rise further as the rescue efforts have not yet reached all areas affected by the earthquake.
Hundreds of people are reported to be injured and hundreds of buildings have been damaged or destroyed.
According to the authorities, it is currently hard to get an overview of the situation, as the earthauake caused a power outage.
The authorities issued a tsunami warning after the earthquake, which occurred ten kilometers under the surface of the ocean.
Second earthquake in a short period of time
A week ago, 16 people died and hundreds were injured on the same island of Lombok in connection with an earthquake that had a magnitude of 6.4.
The authorities stated on Friday that over 500 aftershocks have occurred since last week's earthquake.
The earthquake occurred north of the islands of Lombok and Bali in Indonesia.
Photo: Google Maps