9 dead and 12 missing in Mallorca flash flood
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At least nine people have died and 12 people are missing in Sant Llorenc in Majorca after heavy rain and floods hit the island.
Photos and videos online show how cars and trash have been thrown around by the rushing water, causing chaos and destruction on the island.
At least nine people have been found dead and 12 people are missing after severe thunderstorms hit Sant Llorenc in east Mallorca, six miles from the island's largest city of Palma, night to Wednesday.
Two of the casualties, who are British citizens, were in a car dragged away by the floods.
An elderly woman allegedly also have been found dead in the basement of her house.
Civil protection and military have been ordered to the effected part of the island to help as more rain is expected to fall during Wednesday.
Hundreds of people have been evacuated
About 80 soldiers and 100 rescue workers currently participate in the USAR work.
Hundreds of people have been forced to evacuate to nearby buildings, and the island's schools have been closed.
"All my support for families and friends of the victims and to those affected by the tragic floods," tweeted Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.
He plans to visit the holiday island during the day today.
According to eyewitnesses, as much as 180 millimeters of rain fell in the last two days.