Three of the members of the CTIF Commission Women in Fire & Rescue
10 Jun 2019

Report from the 15th CTIF Women in Fire & Rescue Meeting


CTIF President Tore Eriksson deltog i mötet båda dagarna.

The 15th CTIF Commission for Women in Fire and Rescue Services Conference was Held in Stockholm, Sweden, on May 22nd and 23rd. 

Elections were held since the Chairperson, Mira Leinonen,  vice Chairperson Mona Hjortzberg and the Secretary Nicola Lown had all reached their limit of four years in Office.

All three persons were reelected for another four years period. There was also a proposal to enlarge the board of the commission. Susanne Klatt from Germany was elected as second Vice chair.

The delegation from Japan did a very interesting and appreciated presentation.

"I’m really grateful for the trust for the next 4 years, which will be my second period as a chairperson. Our topics on this meeting was the report on year 2018’s actions, the report on sexual harassment and what is the situation in every country", said Chair Person Mira Leinonen after the meeting. 


Women in Fire & Rescue