The CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group meeting in Holland, 2019. Photo by Volkert van der Ploeg
15 Nov 2019

Discover CTIF´s Commissions and Working Groups!


Most of the active work within CTIF is carried out in Commissions and Working Groups consisting of members dedicated to a particular area of interest within Fire & Rescue.

Currently there are 12 Commissions, and 3 working Groups, each governed by a Head of Commission and a Commission Secretary.

If you are interested in joining a Commission or Working Group, please contact the National Committee in your country to discuss. If your country does not have a listed contact person here on please contact our CTIF secretary Neza Strmole for assistance.

If you are a company who is a member, or is open to becoming a member, for the purposes of working in a commission or working group, please contact the commission´s Chair Person.


The Commissions and Working Groups  are divided into the following areas of interest:


Extrication & New Technology

Hazardous Materials

Fire Prevention

History Commission

Women in Fire & Rescue Services

Firefighting at Airports

Volunteer Firefighters

Forest Fires

Rescue / Health Services

Youth Fire Brigades


Commission Europe

Training & Education

Fire Investigation

CTIF-Statistik Zentrum

Regional working groups:

Danube countries


In the future CTIF is also working actively to start an Interior Firefighting Group, possibly under the Commission Training & Education.

Within each Commission, members meet regularly - either physically, virtually or both - to discuss and share their thoughts and expertise around current events, challenges and possibilities to improve working conditions for firefighters in the chosen area of interest.

Work in the Commissions is volunteer based, usually with each member's local organisation or employer sponsoring with part of their regular working hours dedicated to CTIF work. During special circumstances CTIF or it´s corporate members can sometimes sponsor certain events and some travel.

All Commission members work very closely with each other, on a first name basis, with little attention paid to titles or official formalia.


Cover photo: (Above) The CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group meeting in Holland, 2019. Photo by Volkert van der Ploeg