California forest fires are forcing thousands to evacuate
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The fire is believed to have started at Apple Tree Lane in Beaumont, California last Friday. Since then it has spread to an area of over 20,000 acres.
The weather has been consistently dry and hot in California, and the so-called Apple Fire is spreading fast.
Firefighters, helped by helicopters and water bomber planes, are working to put out the fire, which is not yet under control.
The fire is raging near residential areas and has forced nearly 8,000 people to evacuate their homes.
As of Sunday, the Apple Fire has burned over 20,516 acres, the Forest Service said. Much of the northeast and eastern edge of the fire is burning in steep, rugged hillsides, making it impossible to reach for firefighting vehicles.
Over the weekend there were 6 helicopters, 178 fire engines, and 19 water tankers fighting the fire.
All evacuation centers will allegedly enforce Covid-19 protocols such as temperature screenings upon entry, masks and social distancing.
Cover Photo The "Apple Fire" in California. Screenshot from the NBC video above.