Europe showing signs of post pandemic reopening: The Annual Basel Women´s Run almost back to normal
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Europe is slowly showing signs re-opening after the pandemic. Denmark has already ended all restrictions and Sweden has announced ending restrictions by October 1st. On September 11th, The Basler Frauenlauf in Switzerland was held with only slight restrictions.
The annual Basel Women´s Run has been a tradition in Basil since 2017. In 2020 of course, Covid-19 restrictions forced the event off the streets. This year, as the world honoured the victims and remembered the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack against New York City, the event was more or less back to normal:
"We had some restrictions with masks and vaccine passports for participants and a limited amount of people who could enter the start and finish zone. Other than that, we were more or less back to normal," says Mireille ("Mimi") Glauser from the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue, who ran the Basil Womens´ Run in full bunker gear together with three other female colleagues from in and around her fire department.
For Mimi Glauser, who has many friends in the US whom she hasn´t been able to see during the pandemic, it was extra important to honour the victims of the September 11th attack on this year´s run:
"In the photo (above) you can see two career firefighters, and two volunteers. My young friend is in firefighting school, and to the left, you can see me, dressed up in American bunker gear, in honour of the 9/11 victims", she says.