FDNY battled several wildfires in Manhattan parks - strategic backfires brought them under control
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Millions of people were being urged to conserve water and keep their windows closed as two major fires raged in parks in Manhattan in mid November. The fire department managed to contain them, but the cause of the fires remains unknown.
The New York Fire Department has already recorded nearly 230 brush fires in just over two weeks in November, and has started a special WildFire TaskForce, which CTIF.new has previously reported on.
The recent fires in Manhattan's parks occurred during the second and third weeks of November 2024. On November 13, a significant brush fire broke out in Inwood Hill Park, located at the northern tip of Manhattan. This fire covered approximately 3.5 to 4 acres and required the efforts of around 140 firefighters to bring it under control.
Read more: ABC 7 New York
Subsequently, on November 19, another brush fire ignited in the same park, prompting the FDNY to return and address the situation.
Read more: ABC 7 New York
These incidents are part of a series of brush fires in New York City, attributed to unusually dry conditions and a significant lack of rainfall during that period.
Read more: Hoodline
The video below shows Inwood Hill Park at the northern tip of Manhattan on Wednesday : two large brush fires broke out in the central green zone. The smell of smoke lingered over much of New York City for hours.
Since August, there has been little rainfall along the northeastern coast of the United States. The state of New Jersey is experiencing its most severe drought in nearly 120 years.
However, the drought is expected to continue—even through the winter.