CTIF Firefighter´s games
Linz, Switzerland
16 Aug 2018

Register now for training of judges for the 2019 International Youth Fire Brigade Competitions October 12-14th 2018 in Linz


Dear ordinary CTIF members:

In the attached, please find the invitation to the judges training from October 12 to 14, 2018 in Linz (Austria).

The registration of the evaluators must be done by September 16, 2018 at the latest with the attached xls table to kuinke@jugendfeuerwehr.de !

Please find attached forms and documents below.


Training of judges for the international Youth Fire Brigade competitions in 2019 of 12-14th October 2018 in Linz, Switzerland:

Ladies and gentlemen, once again to ensure a regular and youth-friendly review at the 22. International Youth Fire Brigades competitions in MARTIGNY 2019, but also to convey to the Competition Rules 7th edition of 2012 for the International Youth Fire Brigades competitions, will the reviewers offered a reviewer training as in previous years.

This reviewer training the reviewers of the National Fire Brigade associations given the opportunity, on the basic of practical exercises to gain experience but also to acquire knowledge about the handling of the Competition Rules.

Given the encouraging high power density are the winning groups in their results extremely tight at the top, so to view a regular review of decisive importance. In addition, all participating groups have the right to be objective and equally assessed or evaluated.

It is therefore necessary that the evaluators to the 22th International Youth Fire Brigades competitions according MARTIGNY 2019 (Switzerland) are sent to participate in this training in the fall 2018. It intends to send only those Contributor which are also involved in the activities with the young firefighters in the National Fire Brigade associations.

These courses have been proven in the past, from 1996 to 2016 and again well as paving the way for the next Contributor International Youth Fire Brigades competitions 2019 MARTIGNY, Switzerland.

Jörn-Hendrik KUINKE

Chairman of the International Adjudicator

 Alfred Deschberger

CTIF - Youth Leader Commission Youth Competitions of the CTIF



Friday, 12.10.2018 till Sunday, 14.10.2018


Landes-Feuerwehrschule Oberösterreich

Petzoldstr. 43

A-4020 Linz (Österreich)


The cost of the stay of the reviewer – accommodation and meals in the fire school -will be paid by CTIF, the cost of the journey is a matter for the respective National Fire Brigade Association.

The exercise groups provides the Upper Austrian Landesfeuerwehrverband. The training is conducted in German.

From your National Firefighters Association maximum of 3 people can participate in this training for evaluators after subsequent listing.

The prerequisite is that these evaluators will be sent by you for MARTIGNY 2019!



You will be asked to submit your reviewer by email to register for the reviewer training:


at the latest by:

September 16, 2018



Friday, 12.10.2018

13.00 Arrival

12.00 Lunch

14.00 – 14.10 Welcome

14.10 – 14.50 check up of all participants and Information about the preparation in Martigny (Switzerland)

15.00 – 17.00 theoretical training of the competition rules and interpretation of the provisions

17.15 – 17.45 Discussion

ab 18.00 Uhr Dinner

then experience


Saturday, 13.10.2018

08.00 – 11.45 Instruction on the structure of the competition lanes during the Contributor tasks with practical training (exercise and obstacle relay race track)

12.00 Lunch

13.00 – 15.00 Practical training on the competition lanes

15.30 – 16.15 calculation Committee A und C,

16.30 – 17.30 Summary and final discussion

ab 17.30 Lunch

then experience

Sunday, 14.10.2018
