Minutes  of the 9  th meeting of the CTIF Volunteer Firefighters Commission  02/05/2023  Virtual meeting via MS-Teams
Island of Hydra, Greece
25 Jul 2023

Voluntary firefighters Commission meeting October 2023 in Greece


In the Minutes of the 9th meeting from the CTIF Volunteer Firefighters Commission 02/05/2023 Virtual meeting via MS-Teams, Dimitrios ZERVAS (Greece) presented the organisation of the upcoming 10th meeting.

The meeting will take place from 16th October to the 19th October in Greece on the island “Hydra”. Day 1 will be arrival day (Athens) and day 4 the departure. A detailed program with all organisational information will be

send out.

Photo Credit: Photo of the port on the island of Hydra, Greece. By Herbert Ortner, Vienna, Austria - own image, scan from slide, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3908394