The Nordic and Baltic Working Group has their own landing page on
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The Nordic and Baltic Working Group had its first physical meeting in Denmark, early 2024, after meeting twice online during the Fall of 2023.
The Nordic and Baltic Working Group's main purpose is to support and develop CTIF cooperation in the region around the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, including exchanging best practices, developing CTIF work done in their countries as well as more widely in the whole CTIF and to discuss CTIF topics relevant to the region.
The group also has a mandate to share knowledge of flood management and the equipment available to each country.
In addition to the meeting/seminar, the purpose was also to create personal relationships between the participants from the individual countries' national CTIF organizations.
Visit the Commission landing page
Chair of the Commission:
Ole Hansen, Norway (photo to the left)
Previous chairs:
Taina Hanhikoski, Finland, initiated the Working Group and chaired the online meetings in 2023.
Peter Søe, Denmark, chaired the first physical meeting in Øresund, Denmark, 24 - 26 of January, 2024.
Ole Hansen was elected Chair in October 2024.
The group photos above and below are from the first meeting of the working group. Above the entire group can be seen with the background of the historical Kronborg Castle - the setting for William Shakespeare´s famous play "Hamlet".
The Nordic and Baltic countries can greatly benefit from the plans, information, and experience available in the countries that have worked actively with civil preparedness for many years.
The Baltic and Nordic countries can also work together to great advantage on the development of information campaigns on civil preparedness as well as assessments of necessary training for citizens and businesses.
The Baltic and Nordic countries can advantageously support each other in choosing solution models for central measures such as siren alerts and push notifications on mobile phones.