Forest fire simulator
23 Dec 2019

Croatian Fire-fighting commanders trained forest firefighting on French CESIR simulator


From November 4 to 8, 2019, the first of two trainings of Croatian fire-fighting commanders was held for management of forest fires, funded by the EU project eHVZ.


By Mario Starčević

A total of 12 Croatian fire commanders, one Croatian helicopter pilot, one Croatian air tractor pilot and a translator participated in the training. The trainers were French level 3 and 4 fire commanders and French air tractor and helicopter pilots.

The training was held at the French National Fire School in Valabre in the world's most modern simulation center for forest fires, consisting of one day learning about the doctrine, tactics and methods of extinguishing forest fires and fire cartography in France, and 4 days of simulator training.The following roles in the chain of command were"performed" by the participants in various assigned tactical tasks:


Forest fire simulator


1. Roles at Command Post: Incident Commander, Liaison Officer, Logistics Officer, and Communication Operator with the County Fire - Fighting Call Center

2. Roles at the incident: courier (at the same time driver of incident commander), air guidance officer, sector commander 1 (left flank), sector commander 2 (right flank), and 3 group commanders (each group existing of 4 vehicles with 18 fire-fighters).

The next education is planned for the end of 2020 also in Valabre.


Croatian forest fire simulator training