CTIF Airport Commission Group Prague 2017
09 Aug 2017

Presentations and meeting minutes from 2017 meeting


During the 2016 meeting in Croatia, the Hazardous commission decided to organize common practical trainings. The first one took place, the last 1st and 2nd march 2017, in the French Mulhouse fire station and was managed by the Radiological unit of Upper Rhine Fire Department.

Coming from seven various countries and from CERN, the fourteen trainees were immerged in radiological environment. The following topics were studied:

Sharing on radiological detectors capabilities

Operational documents and references

People radiological contamination inspection

What expect of decontamination units

Operational situation workshops

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C.T.I.F. and French teams with radioactive shelter


These two days alternated theoretical sharing, practical situations and equipments presentations.




The discuss bore on the following topics:

- radioprotection of rescuers and safety values

- operational process

- fire-fighters radiological courses and inter-agencies university diplomas