Flags of countries represented at Delegates Assembly in Las Vegas, 2018
15 Oct 2022

What is a CTIF National Committee and how should it work?


Each member country of CTIF is encouraged to form a National Committee, which serves as the local chapter of CTIF. The National CTIF Committee of a nation is the local body of the international CTIF in that member country.

The National Committee is also the organization who decides which individuals will represent their country and to vote at the yearly Delegates Assembly. 

Each nation who is a member country of CTIF (often referred to in our statutes  as an "Ordinary Member") is organized quite differently from nation to nation. We will in this article try to explain what the most common organizational structure for a National Committee is. 

Usually, a state fire agency is the organization who signs the membership papers, and who pays the membership fee. In other cases, it could be a private association, like the national Association of Fire Chiefs who is the host of CTIF in a particular country. In other countries, the national CTIF Committee might be  hosted by a national voluntary fire association. 

In some more rare cases, the fire fire service of a capital city for a country, could be the host of the national CTIF committee.

In any case, and whatever the form the membership CTIF international takes, the National Committee of each CTIF member country (Ordinary Member) is encouraged to reach out other organisations, businesses and individuals, who are important to fire services in the country. 

The below example is based on the National CTIF Committee of Sweden, who has quite detailed definitions  and statutes for how their local organization is governed. 


Who can be members?


  • Municipal and state authorities
  • Non-profit organizations, as well as other organizations
  • Insurance companies
  • Public Institutions
  • Businesses and corporations who work with activities or tasks that are important for fire protection and/or rescue services.
  • Individuals with a special connection to the area of fire and rescue services can also be members.


Tasks and responsibilities of the National Committee: 


  • The committee must be responsible for ensuring that tasks that fall to each individual member country in CTIF are carried out correctly and well
  • The committee must maintain regular and good contact with the central CTIF
  • The committee shall contribute to the development of Swedish rescue services through cooperation (or on its own initiative), conduct seminars and meetings, develop and strengthen networks, and form working groups in important work areas
  • The National  CTIF committee appoints all persons who represents the respective committee internationally, as well as a number of key people who come from various organizations connected to the rescue service.


Board of Directors:

The committee is represented by a board of directors consisting of at least three and at most five members, including the chairman. The chairman of the committee, who is also the chairman of the board, is elected like other members at the annual meeting following a proposal by the nomination committee.

The board elects a vice-chairman, a secretary and, if necessary, a treasurer. This election is held immediately after the annual meeting.


Elections to key officer roles in International CTIF

It is the role of the National Committee to appoint or approve all representatives from the country who want to get involved in the following:

- Membership in CTIF´s international Commissions and Working Groups

- Run as a candidate in Elections for one of the positions on CTIF´s governing board (The Executive Committee) or run as a candidate for one of the key officer roles:

- CTIF President, CTIF General Secretary & CTIF Treasurer 

- Vice President (all members of the Executive Board - other than the above - are considered vice presidents) 


Approval of involvement in Commissions and Working Groups

No person from any member country can get involved in any of the workings of CTIF, nationally or internationally, without the approval of the Board of Directors of the National CTIF Committee of that member country. 


Voting within the National CTIF Committee

Entitled to vote at the annual meeting are representatives for each member branch, i.e. organizations, companies, etc. in accordance with paragraph 2 (of the statutes) who have announced that they want to be members and who have been granted membership by the board.

Furthermore, an individual who meets the requirements in accordance with paragraph 2 is also considered a member.

Each eligible voter has one vote. Voting takes place openly. In the event of a tie, the chairman's vote is decisive.

Please be advised that the above text is only an example of how a National CTIF Committee could be organised, and local variations from this example are ok. However, please also keep in mind that this example is was created by careful study of the CTIF Statutes and Internal Regulations which govern all CTIF´s activities, nationally and internationally.  


Statutes for the National Committee

For your convenience, we have also included below an example text below  for how the local Statutes for a local National CTIF Committee could be worded. 

Again, this example is based on the Statutes for the National Committee of CTIF Sweden. However, it is just an example and there are many other fine examples for how a National CTIF Committee could be organised.

It is the aim of CTIF.org to showcase more examples of the work of our various National Committees in the future. 

Statutes (examples)

Normally, Statutes for a National Committee are written in the language/s of the member country.  

Please be aware that the statutes listed below are translated from the Swedish language and could contain translation errors. The examples below  are only meant to serve as inspiration, and cannot necessarily serve as a legal document in English at this time.

Statutes are established at the National  CTIF committee's annual meeting on (DATE) 

The committee's task

Section 1

The National CTIF committee is CTIF's body in (Member Country) . The committee must be responsible for ensuring that tasks that fall to each individual member country in CTIF are carried out correctly and well.

The committee must maintain regular and good contact with the central CTIF.

The committee shall contribute to the development of national rescue services through cooperation (or on its own initiative), conduct seminars and meetings, develop and strengthen networks, and form working groups in important work areas.



Section 2

The members of the National CTIF Committee are: (examples) 

- Municipal and state authorities

- Non-profit organizations, as well as other organizations

- Insurance company

- Institutions

- Companies that work with activities or tasks that are important for fire protection and/or rescue services.

- Individuals with a special connection to the area of ​​fire and rescue services can also be members. The board has the option of appointing an individual as an honorary member.


The board decides whether an application for membership should be granted or not, and the decision can be appealed to the annual meeting.

As a member, the persons who have been appointed by the board (alternatively the annual meeting) to represent the National CTIF committee in a Commission within CTIF and also any national person who has been appointed at CTIF's Delegates Conference to be part of CTIF's Executive Committee are also counted as members.


Membership fees

Section 3

Introduction and size of the membership fees that members have to pay for the following year as well as the conditions in general that shall apply to membership are determined at the annual meeting following a proposal by the board.


Nomination committee

Section 4

Proposals for chairman of the committee, board members, and any auditors must be presented by an election committee consisting of two people, who are appointed at the annual meeting, one of whom is appointed as convener. The term of office for the election committee is one year.


Board of Directors 

Section 5

The committee is represented by a board of at least three and at most five members, including the chairman. The chairman of the committee, who is also the chairman of the board, is elected like other members at the annual meeting following a proposal by the nomination committee.

Prior to its work, the selection committee shall invite proposals as follows:

The national authority for civic security and preparedness (or other national similar fire / rescue  agency  has the right to propose two members, one of whom is to be proposed as chairman of the National  CTIF committee. 

The national Fire Protection Association has the right to propose a member

National municipalities and county councils have the right to propose a member

The National Association of Fire Brigades may propose a member

The chairman is appointed for two years, while all other members elected by the annual meeting are appointed for one mandate period of a year.

The chairman and also other members, whose term of office expires, can be re-appointed.

If the chairman of the committee resigns during the term of office, the nomination committee must propose a person for a replacement election at the next annual meeting.

The term of office is counted from the annual meeting to the next annual meeting for members and for the chairman from the annual meeting to the annual meeting two years later.


Section 6

The board elects a vice-chairman, a secretary and, if necessary, a treasurer. This election is held immediately after the annual meeting.

If both the chairman and deputy chairman are absent at a single board meeting, another member is appointed at the meeting to chair the meeting. The committee's signature is signed by the person or persons appointed by the board.


Section 7

Minutes or memos must be kept at board meetings. The need for adjustment is decided by the board.

The board has the right to make decisions if at least three of the members (including the chairman) are present. As the board's decision, the sentence for which at a meeting more than half of those present vote or, in the case of an equal vote, the sentence seconded by the chairman applies.


Section 8

The board meets at the call of the chairman or the secretary, or when at least one third of the board's members so request. The minimum number of board meetings per year is two.


Auditing and Reporting Duties

Section 9

If membership fees are introduced or if a sponsor's contribution is received, the committee's accounts and management must be audited by an auditor, who is elected at the annual meeting.

The board and the annual meeting can decide that an activity report should be drawn up.


Annual meetings

Section 10

The annual meeting takes place annually before the end of (Add date) on a day and place determined by the board.


Section 11

An extra annual meeting is held when the board deems it necessary. At an extraordinary annual meeting, no business other than those stated in the notice may be dealt with.


Section 12

Notice of the annual meeting is issued at least one month before the time set for the meeting. The notice, which must contain the agenda and other programs for the meeting. The notice to the annual meeting must also contain the board's possible proposals that must be decided upon at the annual meeting.


Section 13

Entitled to vote at the annual meeting is a representative for each member, i.e. organizations, companies, etc. in accordance with paragraph 2 who have announced that they want to be members and who have been granted membership by the board. Furthermore, an individual who meets the requirements in accordance with paragraph 2 is also a member.

Each eligible voter has one vote. Voting takes place openly. In the event of a tie, the chairman's vote is decisive.


Section 14

At the annual meeting, the following matters must occur:

1. Election of chairman and secretary at the meeting

2. Election of an adjuster to adjust the minutes of the meeting together with the chairman

3. Ask whether the meeting has been properly announced

4. Report on the committee's activities during the past financial year

5. Audit report on the association's accounts and administration for the past

financial year

6. Question about determining the income statement and balance sheet

7. Question about disposition of the year's results

8. Question about discharge of liability for board members

9. Election of the chairman of the committee as well as the chairman of the board following a proposal by

the election committee (term of office two years).

10. Election of board members (term of office one year), following proposals from the election committee.

11. Possible filling choice.

12. Election of an auditor (term of office one year) for audit of accounts and management, after

proposal of the selection committee.

13. Election of two members of the election committee (term of office one year) to propose chairman,

board members and auditor.

14. Chairman's presentation of planned activities for the coming year.

15. Decision on possible membership fee.

16. Decision on the date of the next annual meeting.

17. Other matters submitted to the meeting by the board or brought up by a member

letter to the chairman of the committee no later than 20 days before the meeting.


Footnote: Items with italic text in the list above must be included in the agenda for the annual meeting if money is handled in the committee, e.g. by introducing membership fees or by receiving money from sponsors

Section 15

Minutes from the annual meeting must be sent to the members by e-mail or by letter.


Amendment of Bylaws. Dissolution of the Committee

Section 16

For approval of proposals to amend the committee's statutes, two consecutive annual meetings are required, of which at least one is an ordinary annual meeting.


Section 17

For decisions on the dissolution of the committee, unanimous decisions with at least a 3/4 majority are required at two consecutive regular annual meetings. The committee's possible assets must be credited to the Fire Protection Association's scholarship fund.

The committee's proceedings and documents must be kept by the National Fire Agency or the National Fire Protection Association, and must be made available if someone takes the initiative to re-establish the National CTIF Committee.