
Youth Fire Brigades

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Residents have expressed concerns about the proximity of these facilities to homes, citing potential safety hazards. An online petition initiated by local resident Valerie Vislocky has garnered over 800 signatures, urging an immediate halt to the install.
Criticized for allowing too many large Battery Energy Storage Systems: "New York City is playing with fire"
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Eyewitnesses reported hearing an explosion, which was later confirmed by public safety officials. Firefighters responding to a triggered fire alarm were inside the building when the explosion occurred. As many as 12 people
Muiltiple injuries - including four injured firefighters - in an industrial plant explosion

Fire Gas Explosion

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Fire Dynamics
Fire Gas Explosion
Fire Gas Ignition
Fire ventilation
Firefighter Cancer
Firefighter's Health
Contamination comparison between traditional firefighting and fire gas cooling / PPE before entering

About CTIF

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Firefighters in Maribor, Slovenia

CTIF welcomes professionals and volunteers like you from around the world

Founded in Paris, France the year 1900, CTIF is the oldest international fire service association and the only organization of its kind where career firefighters and volunteers can meet as equals.

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CTIF Delegates Assembly in 2019

Membership in CTIF opens the door to exchange of knowledge with like minded around the world.

All levels of members can apply to get involved in our Commissions and Work Groups. CTIF offers networking meetings seminars and large bi-yearly sports games.

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Member Countries

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CTIF currently has 40 national (Ordinary) members. 

The CTIF is made up by Ordinary Members (Member Countries) who send representatives once per year to the CTIF Delegates Assembly, to vote on important issues and to elect representatives for the CTIF Executive Committee.

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Firefighters shaking hands. Photo by Pixabay

Associate Members of CTIF get access to a worldwide organisation and a great network. 

Our Associate Membership Program allows businesses and their representatives to join the CTIF work, offer their expertise and get exposure in CTIF events and media.

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Climate Change

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Traditionally, the peak wildfire season in California occurs from August through October. However, officials now warn that wildfires can happen at any time of the year due to climate change and prolonged drought conditions.
Southern California's wildfire season is now considered to be extended to year around
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In Galway, located on Ireland's west coast, wind speeds reached over 50 meters per second (approximately 180 km/h), marking the strongest winds ever recorded in the country. A man in Donegal, Ireland lost his life when a tree fell onto his car,
One dead and one million without power after powerful Storm Éowyn swept in over the British Isles
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A rare winter storm has swept across the southern United States, bringing unprecedented snowfall and record-low temperatures to several states along the Gulf Coast. The severe weather has led to at least 11 fatalities and numerous power outages.
Rare winter storm killed at least 11 people in the US - almost a foot of snow in New Orleans

CTIF in the Press

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CTIF International Cooperations


Distinguished CTIF Members

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Enclosure fires

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On January 22, 2025, a significant incident occurred at the Knurow-Szczyglowice coal mine in southern Poland. At approximately 850 meters below ground, methane gas ignited, leading to a fire that resulted in injuries to 16 miners. Among them, nine suffere
Death toll in Polish coal mine methane explosion has risen to three - 13 injured

Euro NCAP - CTIF Partnership

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Extreme weather

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In Galway, located on Ireland's west coast, wind speeds reached over 50 meters per second (approximately 180 km/h), marking the strongest winds ever recorded in the country. A man in Donegal, Ireland lost his life when a tree fell onto his car,
One dead and one million without power after powerful Storm Éowyn swept in over the British Isles
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A rare winter storm has swept across the southern United States, bringing unprecedented snowfall and record-low temperatures to several states along the Gulf Coast. The severe weather has led to at least 11 fatalities and numerous power outages.
Rare winter storm killed at least 11 people in the US - almost a foot of snow in New Orleans
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Eyewitnesses reported hearing an explosion, which was later confirmed by public safety officials. Firefighters responding to a triggered fire alarm were inside the building when the explosion occurred. As many as 12 people
Muiltiple injuries - including four injured firefighters - in an industrial plant explosion
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The explosion led to prolonged legal battles between the victims' families and Thiokol Chemical Corporation, as well as the U.S. Government. Eventually, a federal judge found the government guilty of negligence.
Fire & Rescue in the Rear View Mirror: The Thiokol Chemical Plant Explosion in Woodbine 1971 took 29 lives

Fire Behaviour

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Fire Gas Explosions

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Fire Dynamics
Fire Gas Ignition
Fire ventilation
Firefighter Cancer
Firefighter's Health
Contamination comparison between traditional firefighting and fire gas cooling / PPE before entering

Fire Prevention

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A recent study published in Environmental Science and Technology reveals that flame retardants commonly used in lithium-ion battery enclosures do not offer proven fire safety benefits. The research warns that these chemicals may pose serious health risks.
Study finds flame retardants in Lithium-Ion battery cases lack proven fire safety benefits
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In the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, certain homes have remarkably withstood recent wildfires thanks to innovative fire-resistant designs. A notable example is a local couple who incorporated several fire resistant materials and features.
Homes made from innovative and fire resistant materials withstood Cali fires better

Fire ventilation

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Fire Dynamics
Fire Gas Ignition
Fire ventilation
Firefighter Cancer
Firefighter's Health
Contamination comparison between traditional firefighting and fire gas cooling / PPE before entering
Fire Dynamics
Fire Gas Explosion
Fire Gas Ignition
Fire ventilation
Firefighter Cancer
Firefighter's Health
Contamination comparison between traditional firefighting and fire gas cooling / PPE before entering


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Firefighting at Airports

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The first incident involved a Boeing 737-800 jet in South Korea, which veered off course and crashed into a concrete wall. The second incident saw an Air Canada Dash 8 plane crash landing in Nova Scotia, engulfing in flames due to broken landing gear.
Three plane crashes in 24 hours - then an air ambulance crashes two days later

Harassment & Bullying

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Highrise Fires

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The fire, blamed on faulty wiring and flammable cladding, highlighted concerns about inequality in the UK. The higher levels of the tower are structurally unsound. The building symbolizes Britain's worst residential fire since WWII.
Grenfell Tower to be demolished after 8 years of being wrapped in a protective cover

Hydrogen Response

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CTIF Activity Reports and News from our Commissions, Executive Committee and Working Groups
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Hydrogen Response
European hydrogen train the trainer programme for responders: The impact of HyResponder on training across Europe

LNG - Liquified Natiual Gas

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Innovations in Fire & Rescue

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The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department has been actively spraying Citrotech along evacuation routes and near homeless encampments to prevent potential fire outbreaks. The spray is environmentally friendly and safe for use around homes and schools.
A citrus-based natural fire retardant is being tested on dry vegetation to prevent wildfires
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The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU) has granted €125,000 to the Munich-based startup Caurus Technologies to develop a modular system aimed at enhancing wildfire detection and suppression efficiency.
Germany gives startup grant for new wildfire tech which fights forest fires with less water
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In the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, certain homes have remarkably withstood recent wildfires thanks to innovative fire-resistant designs. A notable example is a local couple who incorporated several fire resistant materials and features.
Homes made from innovative and fire resistant materials withstood Cali fires better

Lessions Learned

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Lithium Battery Explosions & Fires

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Residents have expressed concerns about the proximity of these facilities to homes, citing potential safety hazards. An online petition initiated by local resident Valerie Vislocky has garnered over 800 signatures, urging an immediate halt to the install.
Criticized for allowing too many large Battery Energy Storage Systems: "New York City is playing with fire"
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A recent study published in Environmental Science and Technology reveals that flame retardants commonly used in lithium-ion battery enclosures do not offer proven fire safety benefits. The research warns that these chemicals may pose serious health risks.
Study finds flame retardants in Lithium-Ion battery cases lack proven fire safety benefits
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The fire which began after a fire suppression system failed, smouldered for four days and led to the temporary evacuation of over 1,200 residents. The blaze released toxic gases and scattered heavy metals over the surrounding area causing health concerns.
BESS fires: Residents Sue energy companies after massive toxic battery fire at Moss Landing power plant

Mining fires

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On January 22, 2025, a significant incident occurred at the Knurow-Szczyglowice coal mine in southern Poland. At approximately 850 meters below ground, methane gas ignited, leading to a fire that resulted in injuries to 16 miners. Among them, nine suffere
Death toll in Polish coal mine methane explosion has risen to three - 13 injured

Nuclear Safety

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War in Ukraine

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