CTIF Forest Fire Commission
29 Feb 2016

Euro Fire Multi Lingual Training Tool for Forest Fires, Wild Fires and Vegetation Fires


EuroFire is an international partnership, funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci, that has developed a competency based training system, for wildfire and prescribed fire management, based on a new learning outcomes approach.

This training tool is accessed through an external web page. Click here to view: 

A 2 year package of funding was secured from EU Leonardo da Vinci to develop the Eurofire vocational training project.

Leonardo key criteria for the Eurofire project:

  • To improve skills and competencies of people
  • To improve the quality of, and access to continuing vocational training
  • Developing relevant and innovative e-learning content
  • The promotion of social dialogue in vocational training

California Wildfires

The project was initiated in response to the recognition that there was a critical gap in knowledge, skills and training provision for wildfire and forest fire situations in some European countries. This places fire-fighters at risk due to a lack of understanding of forest fire behaviour and risk awareness. The EuroFire partnership has addressed this issue by producing new fire management training resources.

EuroFire brings together people with expertise and experience in fire management and training to develop a new EU wide, multi-lingual, on-line training resource. The project has formed a collaborative, trans-European partnership of research and training institutions, fire service employees, employers and rural and land based businesses.

At the heart of the new EuroFire system is a set of competency standards that describe the learning outcomes. The skills, knowledge and competencies, that people operating at wildfires or prescribed burning activities might need. The system includes examples of good practise from Europe and around the world.

The key target user groups for the EuroFire training materials are: fire-fighters, the rural and land-based sector, industry organisations and education and training institutions.

The EuroFire outputs include: competency standards, training modules, illustrations and general guidance on a competency based training system. Training resources that can be used by industry practitioners to update their knowledge, learn new skills or increase their understanding of basic wildfire and prescribed fire management techniques.

By August 2016 the EuroFire materials have been translated for the use in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil (Portuguese), Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iran, Korea, Latin America (Spanish), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.