No legal consequenses for teens who filmed and heckled drowning man
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There will be no legal consequences for the young people who filmed a disabled man who was drowning in a Florida pond in July of last year. This is in sharp contrast to a recent case in Denmark, where a man now may face heavy prosecution from filming an empty vehicle after a lethal traffic accident this spring.
READ MORE: Danish man faces possible prison sentence for spreading photo of fatal accident
A 31-year-old man with disabilities drowned in a damm in the US state of Florida. Five young people became witnesses to the event in July last year, but instead of helping they start to film, laugh and mock the man.
Just over a year later prosecutors find that young people, who are between 14 and 16 years old, go free. There will be no legal consequences, writes Florida Today.
- We will not help you, your idiot, one of the teenagers is shouting in the video which went viral in social media. After the police have been alerted to the incident, several attempts have been made to have the youngsters prosecuted.
"I know that many people are disgusted by the lack of respect for human life in these young people, and we can only hope it was a one-off event and it will never happen again," said Florida prosecutor Phil Archer in a statement.
"Unfortunately, such actions are not covered by Florida legislation," he said.