The "999" Safety Project instructs tens of thousands of Tehran highrise residents in tower fire safety
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In the first Phase of this Fire Prevention program, residents of 999 towers in Tehran are going to be trained for what they need to know about effective fire prevention techniques. Since the beginning of the project in June, more than 20,000 residents from 40 big towers are instructed to follow essential rules to prevent fire incidents and to take appropriate actions during an emergency situation in a high rise structure.
By: Davood Shoja, Head of International Affairs, Tehran Fire Department
Cities become larger as more people begin living in urban areas and more residential towers are built in large cities.
Fire risk assessment and safety in high rise buildings is a big challenge for metropolis of Tehran and a serious issue for Tehran Fire Department (TFD).
It is extremely important that members of the public be fully aware of the fire safety precautions in the premises and know what to do both before and during an outbreak of fire or other emergency. This can be achieved by ensuring that citizens receive appropriate instruction and training, since constant fire prevention measures are a key element in the fire safety management of premises.
One of the main projects of TFD is a comprehensive public education project called "999". Actually this project is one of the most comprehensive and significant community safety education programs in the country.
The ultimate goal of "999" project is to increase recognition for the community's commitment to safety and active involvement of the citizens in the safe community accreditation process which is a practical and economical approach to reduce fire related loss and injuries.
In the first Phase of this program, residents of 999 towers in Tehran are going to be trained for what they need to know about effective fire prevention techniques.
Since the beginning of the project in June, more than 20,000 residents from 40 big towers are instructed to follow essential rules to prevent fire incidents and to take appropriate actions during an emergency situation in a high rise structure and to ensure that premises are equipped with effective fire detectors and fire alarms and also fully charged fire extinguisher and unobstructed fire escape routes are constantly available.
Hopefully in the next phase, smaller buildings, warehouses, industrial centers, Tehran Grand Bazaar and other important places of assembly will be covered.
Following correspondence between TFD and Iranian Army, many training programs were conducted in residential complex of armed forces where many military personnel and their families live.
To emphasize "999" project's importance, Mr. Davari, CEO of Tehran Fire Department, participates in some of these public training programs to advise people to make a significant contribution to protecting properties and minimizing the risk to life from fire.