Knox Automobile of Springfield, Massachusetts, manufactured the first modern fire engine in 1905. Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Tulln, Austria
15 May 2019

22th meeting of CTIF History Commission


CTIF News Logo


Dear CTIF comrades.

I cordially invite you to the 22th meeting of the Commission on Wednesday, 9th October 2019 from10.00 to 16.00 (lunch at 12:00) to Tulln in Austria.



  1. Report of the Chairman
  2.  Report of the members, activities  in the Nation 2018/2019
  3. Certification of fire brigade museums, report state of affairs (Schamberger)
  4. Certification of historical fire brigades vehicles, report state of affairs (Sallaberger)
  5. Venues and topics for the coming conferences, future of the commission (Ingo Valentini)
  6.   Archive of the CTIF, museum of the CTIF, further activities
  7. Commission chairman
  8. Various things


Following to the 22th meeting of our Commission, the 27th conference of the International Study Group from the 9 (evening) to 12 October also will take place in Tulln.

I hope that you can take part in the 22th meeting and in the 27th conference.


Please registration at peter.fwm@vol.at


Peter Schmid

Chairpresident of Commission