Slovenia celebrates their 150 years of fire fighting
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On Sunday, September 8, 2019, in the city of Metlika, the cradle of the Slovenian Fire Department, had a grand ceremony marking the important firefighters' jubilees - the 150th anniversary of organised firefighting in Slovenia and the 70th anniversary of the Slovenian Firefighters´ Association.
Cover Photo: The Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Firefighting in Slovenia and the 70th anniversary of the Firefighting Association of Slovenia. Photo: Tore Eriksson
At 10am, a solemn academy commemorated the 70th anniversary of the Firefighting Association of Slovenia at the Metlika Cultural Center. In addition to the leadership of the Slovenian Firefighters Association with President Jan Cerkevnik and Commander Francie Petko at the helm, members of the Board of Directors, Command, Arbitration and professional service of the umbrella organization, award winners Matevž Hacet and the leadership of local firefighters were attended by many senior guests.
The latter included Minister Karl Erjavec - the Minister of Defense was also the keynote speaker at the academy - Darko But, Director General of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Protection and Rescue, CTIF President Tore Eriksson and Milan Dubravac, Vice President of CTIF.
Defense Minister Karl Erjavec gave a keynote speech at the academy after the address of Mayor Darko Zevnik and President Janko Cerkevnik, who summarized the work of the Slovenian Fire Association and key events related to the work of firefighters over the past ten years.
Report, photos and video by Tore Eriksson, CTIF President since 2012