Hydrogen Response - Please support this CTIF partner project by taking the survey
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Dear CTIF members,
CITF is part of an EU Project looking at hydrogen safety. As part of the project the CTIF Executive Committee agreed to promote a survey of first responders via our membership.
The request and details of the Survey follows below:
For SURVEY LINK, click here
As part of the HyResponder project (https://hyresponder.eu/ ) we would like to:
1. Understand ongoing activities in training for responders in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
2. Build a network of potential trainers of responders as part of a "train the trainer" programme in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
3. Understand training needs in alternative fuels such as hydrogen
The product outputs of the HyResponder project include a train the trainer programme for first responders to reflect the state-of-the-art in managing hydrogen safety. Training materials will be translated and made available in 8 languages via an e-Platform for all first responders.
We would like to hear from as many first responders and first responder training organisations as possible.
Please could you complete the HyResponder Survey by following this link: It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
Your participation is anonymous and inclusion of your contact details is optional. I would also be happy to speak with you if preferred, through my contact details below.
Please forward this email to colleagues in your own or other organisations to whom this may be relevant. Apologies if you have received this email from more than one source.
Best regards,
Dr Síle Brennan
HySAFER Centre
Senior Lecturer/ HyResponder Project Coordinator (https://hyresponder.eu/)
27B04, Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment