Michel Gentilleau and Serge Delauney received the CTIF Best Practice Award
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CTIF can give members and organisations awards for Best Practice Procedures. We would like to highlight the award given in 2015 to the French fire service district of La Vienne for their work on New Energy Propulsions and Vehicle Rescue, partly leading up to CTIF´s new ISO 17840-standard.
In the report from Delegates Assembly 2015, we can read that "For the first time in history, CTIF gave out an award for Best Practice Procedures. Michel Gentilleau and his colleague Serge Delauney, France, were given the award for the outstanding work they have carried out regarding new energies and vehicles".
The Vehicle Rescue Handbook is continually updated to keep up with new vehicles and energy sources.
The work of the district of SDIS86 La Vienne eventually lead to the publication their Vehicle Emergency Response Handbook, which is a comprehensive guide to an All Hazards Approach on vehicle rescue, including modern and alternative energy propulsion sources.
The fire service district of La Vienne is also the creators of the popular rescue fair Technical Days.
The reasons for CTIF to encourage and award the development of Best Practice Procedures are:
- To highlight important results
- To avoid duplication
- To save money and other resources
- To speed up the development for all fire services