CTIF Celebrates International Womens´Day with video interviews from women firefighters all over the world
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In order to honour the countless women who serve and protect in fire services around the world, the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue Services supports an Australian project where video interviews with women firefighters are collected and published.
To follow the project, go to the Australian CFA South Eastern Region´s Women's Network and see the videos they have published there.
Visit CFA / SER Women´s Network on Facebook to watch the videos
Below, we have embedded Finland´s contribution to this international project, and also a contribution from Surrey, BC.
CTIF supports and Celebrates all women in fire & rescue - all over the world!
"Gender equality doesn’t happen by waiting, it needs actions. CTIF promotes Women’s rights all over the world. Since 2012 CTIF Women in fire and rescue services-commission has been collecting and sharing information and best practices about women in the field and all around fire and rescue services. The Commission is one of the fastest growing commissions in CTIF. Anything is possible! Happy International Womens’ Day!", says Mira Leinonen, chair of the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue.
Contact the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue
The photo above is from the video by City of Surrey, BC, one of Canada’s most racially and culturally diverse cities. As an employer, the city knows their continued excellence relies on their ability to attract, develop and retain highly skilled, talented and motivated members of cultural, gender and ethnic diversity. Increasing the number of female firefighters is a priority.