A productive week for CTIF networking at Interschutz - the world´s largest Fire & Rescue Exhibition
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The CTIF Executive Committee has had a productive week networking with many new and old friends from around the world at the Interschutz Fair in Hannover - the world´s largest Fire & Rescue exhibition.
Day 1, on Monday, the first vice presidents arrived:
Roman Sykora (Austria) General Secretary,
Christophe Marchal (France) Vice President
Neza Strmole (Slovenia) CTIF Secretary / Admin
Yvonne Näsman (Sweden) Vice President and
Milan Dubravac (Slovenia) President. (See cover photo above)
Day 2, on Tuesday two more vice presidents, Ole Hansen (Norway) and Taina Hanhikoski (Finland) also arrived at Interschutz to help staff the CTIF excibition stand.
CTIF president Milan Dubravac and General Secretary Roman Sykora got a chance to have a meeting with a very important member, the leader of the CTIF Fire Statistics Center, Dr. Peter Wagner (in the middle of the photo to the left) who is currently leading the work of the working group this year from Berlin.
In the photo below, the new chairman of the Hazmat Commission, Nigel Blumire (UK) and HazMat Commission delegate Dr. Lucia Wickert from Germany, as well as General Secretary Roman Sykora to the right.
Day 3, Wednesday, was another great for CTIF at Interschutz! The Executive Committee met the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue Services. (See photo below)
Karl-Heinz Banse, president of German Fire Association (DFV) with his General Secretary Rudolf Roemer visited the meeting of the CTIF Executive Committee.
Vice president Taina Hanhikoski (Finland) met with the Chairman of the Health Commission, Tommy Kjaer, Denmark. News about the upcoming Video conference of the Health Commission will be published in the next weeks.
President Milan Dubravac, General Secretary Roman Sykora and several of the CTIF vice presidents were also interviewed by an Austrian news team at the CTIF stand. In the photo to the left, vice president Christophe Marchal by the microphone.

Day 4 of CTIF at Interschutz ( Thursday) The Executive Committee had a second chance to rekindle our strong bond with CTIF Germany, by meeting with the president of the German Firefighting Association Karl Heinz Banse, the President from Niedersachsen Mr Stephan Weil, and the Minister of Interior from Niedersachsen Mr.Boris Pistorius.
Thursday, there was also a nice meeting and discussion with two french members of the CTIF history Commission and with a forecast of their upcoming meeting in october in the Czech Republic.
Our General Secretary also had a meeting with US Fire Administrator from FEMA DHS, Ms. Lori Moore-Merrell:
Day 5: Hubert Vetter (second foromthe left) former vice president of CTIF getting a CTIF plaquette for the exceptional work he done for CTIF in the past, from being CTIF Vice, President to CTIF General Secretary. To the left , the President of Austrian Fire Association, Robert Mayer.