CTIF Women Commission chairs speak at International Women´s Day conference and at FDIC in April
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The Chair of CTIF´s Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue Services, Mira Leinonen, will be a keynote speaker at the international firefighters´ conference FDIC. She and her co-chair Susanne Klatt will also speak at a the European Commission´s Fire Information Exchange Platform for International Women´s Day.
Wednesday March 8 is International Women´s Day, and CTIF´s long standing members Mira Leinonen (Finland) and Susanne Klatt (Germany) are selected as a speakers at a conference held by FIEP (European Commission´s Fire Information Exchange Platform).
Their lecture topic will be covering the work of the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue, and the impact the commission has had, and continues to have, in the world.
The CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue Services is one of the most active in CTIF and also one of the largest in terms of membership.
Commission Chair Mira Leinonen to speak in the United States in April
For the international fire seminar in the US, FDIC, Mira will be speaking on Monday April 24th, between 8:00 am and 9:am local time. It will be a special section of the FDIC fair called the Women in Fire Sessions.
"I will be giving an overview of what is happening with gender equality, diversity and inclusion in fire and rescue services worldwide", says Mira Leinonen to CTIF News.
Mira will be speaking at FDIC Fire Sessions.
From the FDIC website:
FDIC International offers thousands of Fire & Rescue professionals from around the world, quality world-class instructors, classrooms, workshops, H.O.T. Evolutions and the most innovative products and services available to the industry displayed by over 800 exhibiting companies. The FDIC experience is more than your traditional trade show it’s about the learning and sharing with your peers formally and informally through hallway conversations, developing life-long friendships, and recharging your passion for the industry. Simply, there is no other event like FDIC International and to experience it you have to attend.
Mira Leinonen graduated from Lappeenranta Technical University in 2006 with a master of science and from the Rescue College in 2010. She is a senior officer for a state administrative state agency in Southern Finland and is in charge of supervising eight fire departments. Leinonen is also a chairperson for a network for women in fire and rescue services in Finland. Since 2015, she has been a chairperson for the international association CTIF’s Women in Fire and Rescue Services commission. CTIF has 42 member countries worldwide.