Copernicus: Europe and the polar caps are heating up faster than the rest of the planet
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The polar regions and Europe were hit hardest by global warming in 2022, according to a new analysis from Copernicus. According to the EU Climate Monitoring Service, Europe has the steepest temperature increase of any populated continent in the world.
The EU's climate monitoring service, Copernicus, has determined that 2022 was the fifth warmest year for the entire planet. Europe, however, is heating up faster than other populated areas i the world. Over the past three decades, temperatures in European countries have increased by more than twice the global average.
Europe experienced its warmest summer in 2022, with temperatures increasing by more than twice the global average over the past three decades. Europe is heating up faster than any other continent.
After the data form 2022 has been analyzed, the last eight years now also the warmest eight years ever recorded.
According to a BBC article, the temperature increase in Europe is due to a number of factors: Land areas are warming faster than the seas, which is contributing to make Europe warmer. Another factor is proximity to the Arctic, which is warming at around four times the global average.
Part of the reason for the rapid warming on the North Pole is ice being more reflective and less absorbent of sunlight. When ice is gradually melting it results in increased sunlight absorption and faster warming.
There were also significant rheat events in the Middle East, Central Asia and China during 2022.
The two polar regions saw record high heat with temperatures in some places rising by more than 2C above the 1991-2020 average.
North-western Siberia had temperatures reached 3C above the average.
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