From the 26th meeting of the CTIF History Commission, October 2023
27 Dec 2023

Information from the History Commission at the CTIF and the International Study Group for the History of Fire Service and Fire Protection at the CTIF 12/2023


Dear members of the commission, dear members of the study group: our successful conference in Germany has been "history" for more than two months now. We all have fond memories of the days and the friendly exchange. Once again, a big thank you to the German organizing team!

The election of Gerald Schimpf as chair of the Commission was confirmed by the
Executive Committee of CTIF on 23 October 2023.


Peter Snellen subsequently published the presentation he gave in Ostritz about the fire service museum in Belgium in the „FeuerwehrChronik“ of November 2023. You can find it in the appendix (thanks to Michael Thissen from „FeuerwehrChronik“ for his permission).

The essay could be included as a supplement to the 2023 conference proceedings.
Attached to this email you will also find the new version of the regulations of the working
group adopted in Germany.

Shortly before our conference, EBR Walter Strasser from Krems, Lower Austria, passed
away. Walter participated in eight conferences and has written a total of ten articles for our
conference volumes. Attached you will find the obituary.

In the beginning of December also BDSTV Johann Zimmermann from Innsbruck, Tyrol, also passed away.

He participated in one conference and has written two articles for our conference volumes.
We will honour the memories of both these great men.


There is good news to report about the museum certification: 

On November 24, 2023, a fire service collection in Abtenau, Salzburg/Austria, was successfully certified. 

Another collection certification will take place in the first quarter of 2024 in Brunico, South Tyrol/Italy.

Preview of our next conference:


9 – 12 October 2024: Athens, Greece
Topic: "Fire brigade buildings"

As already announced, the deadline for the submission of articles for the conference
volume will have to be brought forward significantly in the future. Therefore, the advance
announcement of the deadline will already be made now: April 30, 2024
Further information will come up. As usual, the final announcement of the conference will
be made later.

To prepare your articles, we have compiled Bernd Klaedtke's presentation of the 2024
conference topic as well as general literature on the topic of "fire brigade buildings"

Introduction topic 2024 & further literature

If anyone would like to add further literature on the topic, he/she is welcome to do so and
upload it.
So this is our update from the CTIF family for now. We wish you Happy New Year!


Best regards, 

Gerald Schimpf Dr. Christian K. Fastl
Chairperson Commission Chairperson Study group