Fire tornado caught on video: Crew near Vanderhoof, B.C., struggles to save equipment from wind and flames
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A video posted to Instagram shows an unreal scene of a fire tornado pulling the hose of a B.C. wildfire crew high into the air, reports the CBC. Firefighter Mary Schidlowsky caught the rare phenomenon on video.
Cover Photo: A firefighter watches a fire tornado near Vanderhoof, B.C. (Photo by Mary Schidlowsky/Instagram)
Cover Video: Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy on the YouTube Channel The SlowMo Guys make an experiment to illustrate how a fire tornado is created.

Three firefighters are seen struggling to control the hose as it is sucked toward the flames, while a spinning vortex of fire appears metres away.
Firefighter Mary Schidlowsky shot and posted the video of the Aug. 18 fire tornado, which formed southwest of Vanderhoof, B.C., near Chutanli Lake, and was almost 60 metres / 200 feet tall.
"...The Fire tornado destroyed our line. It threw burning logs across our guard for 45 minutes and pulled our hose 100 plus ft. in the air before melting it," she wrote in the post.
B.C. Wildfire information officer Forrest Tower said the tornado was caused by the heat rising off the wildfire in combination with extremely high winds.
"It's like a dust devil or a fire whirl — it sucks in the debris and that's what makes it a fire tornado," he said.
"They do happen but they are very rare. It's kind of cool she was able to capture one on video."