European hydrogen train the trainer programme for responders: The impact of HyResponder on training across Europe
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This document outlines the impact of the Hydrogen Train-the-Trainer program which CTIF was a partner in producing together with Ulster University on Ireland.
The impact of the HyResponder project on the training of responders in 10 European countries is described.
An overview is presented of training activities undertaken within the project in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
National leads with training expertise are given, and the longer-term plans in each region are mentioned. Responders from each region took part in a specially tailored “train the trainer” programme, and then delivered training within their regions.
A flexible approach to training within the HyResponder network has enabled fit for purpose, region appropriate activities to be delivered, impacting over 1250 individuals during the project, and many more beyond.
Teaching and learning materials in hydrogen safety for responders have been made available in 8 languages: English, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish.
They are being used to inform training within each of the partner countries. Dedicated national working groups, focused on hydrogen safety training for responders have been established in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Switzerland.