09 Jul 2018

Search Index

In the sidebar to the left (or below on a mobile device) you will find various topics previously listed and published on CTIF.org. 


To search for specific subjects or keywords not found in the topics list, please follow the link to use our search bar.


You use the function as the photo below illustrates. Type in your subject matter, click the orange "search" button, and then wait for the link to articles on that topic show up below. If you don´t get the result you want, or if you can´t find an article you know is in there, try a different search word, or a different spelling.


Find that article or document - visually !

 Our visual Categories Page & Commission Guide are now finished! It covers most CTIF topics in a mobile/ tablet-friendly and visual way.  If you need to enter more specific search words, visit our search section below. 

To see videos that illustrate how to chose different menus and search topics, click here


Search function


FYI, the old CTIF.org (as it looked before February 2018) is still archived and available on our server. As some documents may not have been properly migrated over, they may possibly be found on the old CTIF.org website, https://www.old.ctif.org/


Old CTIF.org

The old CTIF.org as it looked between 2013 and February 2 - 2018, when the current site was launched.