CTIF receives Fireforums Special Award for the new ISO 17840 vehicle intervention standard
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Major Tom van Esbroeck and project leader Kurt Vollmacher received the prestigious award on Tuesday at Fireforum in Belgium.
ISO 17840 Rescue Information: A new ISO standard for vehicle intervention
The CTIF led development of the ISO standard 17840, with symbols recognizing the vehicle's source of propulsion and standardized “Rescue Sheets and Emergency Response Guides” with the same layout, for first and second responders, receive the Belgian Special Award from Fireforum.
Read more CTIF News about the new ISO standard 17840 here
Fireforum Awards aims to reward people or organizations that have made themselves worthy in some area within the firefighting world. They are awarded by Fireforum vzw.
Fireforum will issue the Fireforum Awards for the fifth time on November 26, 2019.
Following the success of the four previous editions, this Award-giving has become a concept in the world of fire safety
The jury, composed of representatives of the member organizations, selected the best projects last week.
On the basis of the criteria Ambition, Social added value, Impact, Reproducibility and Innovative character, the following projects were nominated in the different categories.
Fireforum Awards 2019
Fireforum will issue the Fireforum Awards for the fifth time on November 26, 2019.
Following the success of the previous editions, this Award-giving has become a concept in the world of fire safety.
This event is once again a unique opportunity to reward the best projects that promote the fire safety of persons and goods.
Which projects are eligible for the Fireforum Awards?
Fireforum distinguishes six categories:
1. Fire safety - awareness and prevention for the population
2. Fire safety - awareness and prevention in a professional context
3. Fire safety in construction projects - new construction, renovation of buildings, infrastructure,…
4. Firefighting and intervention in case of fire
5. Scientific studies or final work related to fire safety
6. Life Time Achievement