Official Statement from the CTIF Executive Committee regarding the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine
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March 2, 2022
CTIF, as a non-political organisation, condemns aggressive military action against all people. It further calls and requests all its Russian and Belarusian members to use whatever professional influence they may have with their Governments to cease military operations in Ukraine and to remind them of Article 48 of the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention 1949*; “to respect and protect civilians and first responders”.
In response to the ongoing armed conflict and humanitarian distress in Ukraine the CTIF Executive Committee, which earnestly wishes to see an end to this military conflict and encourages further dialogue towards peaceful resolution, has therefore sadly decided, until further notice, to suspend all cooperation and participation with members of the Russian Federation and Belarus.
CTIF has deep concern for all firefighters engaged in civil protection during this conflict. The Additional Protocol of the Geneva Convention in Articles 61-67 further identifies and protects those firefighting and providing medical care and we call on all armed combatants to respect the convention.
The Executive Committee will support any National Committee, Commission or Working Group that wishes to also suspend its working relationships and the participation by CTIF members with members of the Russian Federation and Belarus from their affairs and events. CTIF recommends members do not visit or participate in any meetings online or in person with members of the Russian Federation and Belarus until further notice.