Recommendations on Sampling for Hazard Control in Civil Protection
22 Sep 2015

Recommendations on Sampling for Hazard Control in Civil Protection

Udo Bachmann, Walter Biederbick, Nahid Derakshani Matthias Drobig, Jens-Tarek Eisheh, Mario Koenig, Ralph Maier Joachim Mentfewitz, Bärbel Niederwöhrmeier, Hartmut Prast Dieter Sebastian, Gerhard Uelpenich, Marc Vidmayer Stefan Wilbert, Manfred Wolf
Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance

These recommendations on CBRN-sampling (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) were developed by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, in cooperation with representatives of different expert institutions (Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Robert Koch-Institute, Research Institute for Protective Technologies and NBC Protection, Regional Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of North RhineWestphalia, Research Centre Karlsruhe) as well as representatives from the fire brigade ­sector (professional fire brigade of Mannheim, fire brigade of Herzogenrath and the plant fire brigade of Merck).