Newsflash illustration for CTIF News 2024
13 Dec 2024

Highlights from CTIF Summer and Fall 2024


The holiday season marks a short break in our regular activities. However, as a member you can always reach out to our representatives if you have questions, ideas or concerns. 

The photo to the left shows CTIF president Milan Dubravac (right) and CTIF General Secretary Roman Sykora (left) at the European Firefighters Summit in Brussels November 2024.






EC 2024

Here are some highlights from our activities during the second half of 2024: 


CTIF will be the voice of a new firefighters association with the power to influence EU politics - European Firefighters Summit in Brussels November 2024


The photo to the left shows the CTIF Executive Committee as it was formed at DA 2024 in Oslo in June, 2024.

Representatives of fire brigade associations from Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Cyprus took part in the two-day meeting in Brussels on November 5 and 6. 

This meeting was follow up from meeting in Paris early this year, and the main objective is to create a new EU Firefighters Association which will have power to influence EU politics in the future. READ MORE


Jane Goodall


Jane Goodall and Robert MayerJane Goodall honoured fire youth and commended Austrian tree planting project

On October 24, over 400 young people, including about 30 members of the fire youth, gathered to meet Jane Goodall in Salzburg. 

During her visit to Austria, renowned scientist and environmental activist Dr. Jane Goodall focused on her cherished project, Roots & Shoots. This international network of children and young people dedicated to human, animal, and environmental causes is active in Austria. READ MORE

READ MORE NEWS from CTIF's Commissions, WGs and National Committees 

Call for articles and statistics data for the 30th anniversary edition of the CTIF Fire Statistics Magazine in 2025!

The CTIF Fire Statistics Center is turning 30 years old next year and to celebrate this achievement the FSC is planning a Special Anniversary Edition of the Fire Statistics Magazine.   

For the 30th Anniversary Edition, the FSC would be happy to receive relevant statistics or corresponding technical articles.



Floods in Spain

Droughts and Floods: A difficult fall for Spain

Over 200 died in the Spain floods - 10,000 were called in from the army to help in the aftermath. 

At least 211 people have been confirmed dead, and according to Spanish authorities, an unknown number of people remain missing. In the beginning of November, rescuers were still searching for bodies in cars and flooded buildings.

Sources from Spanish newspapers report that authorities were working with an extensive alert list containing 2,500 calls regarding missing persons. Initially, this list was as high as 5,000 calls, according to the same sources, with hopes that it will continue to decrease. READ MORE

DA 2024 in Oslo:

Milan Dubravac, Slovenia, has been re-elected for another four year term as president of CTIF! 

Milan Dubravac was first elected CTIF president in 2020 at the Virtual Delegates Assembly held during the pandemic, and has since brought several new members and Memorandums of Understandings (MoUs) to CTIF.

At Delegates Assembly in Oslo, June 20th, Mr Dubravac was elected again for another term.

CTIF is looking forward to 4 more years under his leadership!

A new Vice President, Zisoula Ntasiou, Greece, was elected to serve on the CTIF Executive Committee.

Welcome Zisoula, now one of three serving female delegates on the CTIF Executive board:Taina Hanhikoski, Finland, Yvonne Nasman, Sweden, and found including Neža Strmole, our part time staff Secretary. 



A new Treasurer has been elected for CTIF, Tom Van Esbroeck, Belgium.  Mr Van Esbroeck comes to the position with a wealth of experience, both during his long involvement in CTIF and from other prominent positions. 

Because CTIF's fiscal book keeping year runs until the end of 2024, Marc Mamer will continue to serve until December 31, and Tom Van Esbroeck will begin his mandate on January 1st, 2025. 

Tom Van Esbroeck has previously served as chair of the CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology, and has been a special project advisor for the EC during the last four years.   

CTIF thanks Marc Mamer for his 8 years of service to CTIF as Treasurer.

The CTIF EXPO 2024 News Magazine Now available as PDF

For the first time in recent years, CTIF's media team has produced a printed News Review magazine, CTIF Expo 2024, with a selection of our articles published on CTIF.org during the last year, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.  

The plan is to produce two similar magazines during next year: one for the spring and one in December 2025. 

Please find the PDF version available for download above!

The magazine was handed out to DA Delegates and also to some delegates during the seminar. More copies of the magazine will be handed out at other physical meetings in the coming year. A digital PDF version will be e-mailed and also made available in our news letters and made available for download on the website in coming days. 

This first magazine was a small pilot project with 32 pages, and we appologize for not having a chance to contact all members about it in advance. 

CTIF Expo will be printed with a new and larger edition in 2025, in connection with the celebrations of CTIF's 125th Anniversary. The work with this magazine will start already this Fall and all commissions, working groups, Associate business member and Ordinary Members will be contacted to have an opportunity to submit articles and news from their activities and products.  READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD PDF