Survey Examining Cancer and Injury Among Female Firefighters
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You are being invited to participate in a research study for female firefighters, either born female or now self-identifying as female. The purpose is to describe the incidence and circumstances of cancer and work related injury among female firefighters.
Acquiring this knowledge is important for developing and evaluating health and wellness policies; designating resources; and designing screening, surveillance, and prevention strategies to make the workplace safer for, and more supportive of, females in the fire service.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ian Pike
Professor, University of British Columbia Dept of Pediatrics, Canada
Co-Investigators: Chief Len Garis, City of Surrey Fire Department, British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Kenneth Kunz, Medical Oncologist, British Columbia, Canada
Study Contact: Kate Turcotte, Researcher: kturcotte@bcchr.ca or 604-875-2000 ex. 6715
You can take part in this study if you are:
• A female firefighter
• Able to spend 10 -20 minutes completing an online survey
• Able to read and understand English or French
If you decide to take part in the study here is what will happen:
• You will complete this survey asking about your demographics, firefighter career (e.g., department, rank), lifestyle (e.g., tobacco and alcohol use), work related injury if any, and cancer experience if any.
• The survey will take about 10 to 20 minutes