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London, United Kingdom
03 Apr 2016

Fire Prevention Commission annual meeting 2016


Fire Prevention Commission is organizing 2016 annual meeting. Meeting will take place in London UK, from June 13. to 15. and will be hosted by European Fire Sprinkler Network. A preliminary agenda is attached. Fire Prevention Commission welcomes CTIF members states representatives to join us at the meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ales Jug (Fire Prevention Commission Chairman) to get more information (ajug@wpi.edu)

Announcement of spring 2016 CTIF Fire Prevention Commission Meeting

CTIF Fire Prevention Commission will hold annual meeting on June 13. -15. Meeting will be hosted by

European Sprinkler Network and will take place in London UK. Plan to discuss:

1. New Fire Prevention Commission members

2. E-learning documents – Where are we and what to do in the future?

    a. Adding a new documents

    b. Organizing a library

    c. Make a user friendly CTIF web page

3. Fire safety in Entertainment facilities – discussion about a proposed guideline

4. Active fire protection systems – Residential fire suppression systems

5. Fire safety as an important part of a holistic safety process (Safe Cities, Safe Community, etc.)

6. Cooperation with other CTIF (and other – CFPA, NFPA, FEU,) commissions – can we optimize

our work?