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04 Feb 2025

Three quarters of German firefighters experienced violence from the public - a growing problem world wide


Violence against firefighters is a concerning issue worldwide, manifesting in various forms such as verbal abuse, physical assaults, and targeted attacks during emergency responses. In Germany, 9 out of ten had experienced verbal abuse and insults. 

In a recent German survey, discussed on the Interschutz website, more than half of the volunteer firefighters reported being attacked in the past two years, matching the results from a survey in 2023. 

Among professional firefighters, an alarming 75 percent reported assaults during the same period. Over 90 percent of all affected individuals experienced verbal abuse and insults.


Calls for Action

As the New Year approached, Christoph Bahlmann, head of the Hanover fire service, proposed several measures to enhance safety during operations. 

Bahlmann advocated for the use of bodycams for emergency services and firefighters and dashcams for vehicles, aiming to expedite clarifications and provide forensic evidence in case of incidents. He also suggested that smaller operations should include police escorts if necessary. 

The deadly events of New Year's Eve 2024/2025 underscored the urgency of his proposals, as multiple attacks on emergency services occurred in Hanover.



Violence against emergency services was a significant topic at INTERSCHUTZ. "Unfortunately, it has not lost its topicality and explosive nature," says Bernd Heinold, Project Manager of the world's leading trade fair in Hanover. "

At INTERSCHUTZ 2026, we will also make our contribution to promoting public understanding of the sometimes life-threatening work of the emergency services, increasing respect for them and thus enhancing their safety," says Heinold.


Small Canadian town proposed body armour for firefighters after after rise in violent aggression


Germany is far from the only country experiencing these problems. The news site Vancouver is Awesome wrote in 2023 about a 'Disturbing' rise in violence against first responders sparking proposed new  legislation in BC, Canada. 

The article says that the rise in violence against first responders in Canada has led to proposed legislation aimed at providing better protection for firefighters and paramedics. New Westminster-Burnaby MP Peter Julian introduced Bill C-345, which seeks to add firefighters and paramedics under the definition of first responders in the Criminal Code. 

The bill proposes increased penalties for assaults against first responders and an automatic first-degree murder charge if an assault leads to their death. The legislation has garnered support from various fire departments and associations. 


CTIF.org wrote already in 2023 about a program in Canada aimed at helping with firefighters mental health after being assaulted at work, and providing body armour for fire service member.

The city of Mission, a small town in British Columbia, has recently decided to invest in body armour for their Fire & Rescue teams, as an extra layer of protection due to the perceived risk of violence. 

The Vernon Morning Star reported on November 8 that The Council in the City of Mission, BC unanimously approved $15,000 CAD to purchase body armour for firefighters . This was decided at their Monday’s (Nov. 6) meeting. 

MFRS Chief Mark Goddard outlined the need for body armour in a report. Although the risk is not high, he feels the extra layer of protection is motivated:

“Statistically the homeless population by and large is not a threat to responders. When considering the sheer number of interactions to incidents every year, assaults and violence are still rare but becoming more common, and Mission is not immune to this threat,” the report reads.




Global Incidents and Statistics


  • United States: Between 1976 and 2007, 32 firefighters died from assaults while on duty. By the end of 2010, this number increased to 34, averaging one firefighter death per year due to assaults. 



  • Germany: A 2023 survey revealed that over 50% of volunteer firefighters experienced violence in the past two years, with professional firefighters reporting even higher rates at 75%. The majority of these incidents involved verbal abuse and insults. 



  • Terrorist Attacks: From 1970 to 2019, there were 42 documented terrorist attacks targeting firefighters globally, resulting in 26 deaths and 95 injuries. Notably, 28.6% of these were secondary attacks, where firefighters responding to an initial incident were subsequently targeted. 




Recent Notable Incidents


  • Germany (New Year's Eve 2025): Violent riots led to five deaths due to fireworks and 400 arrests. In Berlin, 30 police officers and one firefighter were injured during these confrontations. 



  • United Kingdom (Bonfire Night 2024): Despite preventive measures, emergency services faced significant disorder, with firefighters and police officers attacked with fireworks, bricks, and bottles. Nineteen arrests were made in connection to these incidents. 



Preventive Measures and Recommendations


To mitigate the risks associated with violent incidents, several strategies have been proposed:

  • Dynamic Risk Management: Enhancing understanding and application of dynamic risk assessments during operations.
  • Law Enforcement Collaboration: Improving communication and coordination with local law enforcement agencies.
  • Dispatcher Roles: Expanding the role of dispatchers in identifying and mitigating potential risks.
  • Resource Deployment: Prohibiting single-person responses to potentially violent incidents.
  • Incident Management Systems: Mandating the use of structured incident management protocols.
  • Operational Withdrawal: Empowering personnel to disengage and leave the scene if violence occurs or escalates during operations.

Implementing these strategies aims to reduce the likelihood of injury or death among fire service members during responses to violent incidents. 


Photo Credit: Raw Pixel. https://images.rawpixel.com/image_social_landscape/cHJpdmF0ZS9sci9pbWFnZXMvd2Vi…



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