Photo of a CTIF computer desktop and the official letter from Ukraine sent on March 14, 2022
14 Mar 2022

CTIF receives call to coordinate help for firefighters in the war zone - directly from the Ukraine government


A letter from the Ukraine Civil Protection Agency, sent to the CTIF President today Monday March 14, was presented and discussed in a CTIF Executive meeting the same afternoon.  

The request was general in nature and did not specify what aid is needed, or an entry point for materials collected, which is something CTIF now is seeking more information on. CTIF also recognizes the great foreign aid efforts member countries already are involved in, and is asking member organisations for advice on how CTIF centrally can help these efforts further

The same, or similar letters requesting help has been sent to several of our member nations as well. The Executive Committee therefore decided to endorse the request by forwarding it to all of our National member contact points, rather than taking on an overall coordinating role  at this very moment - that is, at least until when and if such a need has been defined / expressed by our member nations.  

The CTIF is deeply concerned about  firefighters involved in the armed conflict in Ukraine and will endorse any reasonable and coordinated efforts to aid first responders involved in civil protection in Ukraine.

A digital copy of the letter is included as a jpeg at the bottom of this post, and as pdf above.    


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​​​​​This map shows which countries are most affected by the refugees leaving Ukraine. Source: 
https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="cdeab137-effd-4780-bd24-27bb9b6438bb" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/UN%20map%20of%20Ukrainean%20refugees%202022-03-14%20at%2010.55.01.png">


Almost 3 million refugees have already left Ukraine - only three weeks into the conflict

The United Nations, through their web page https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine publishes ongoing, updated data on the refugee situation in regards to the armed conflict in Ukraine. It reports that as of Match 14, more than 2,8 million people have left the Ukraine as refugees from the various war zones.

Todate, most refugees are currently seeking refuge in neighbouring  countries west of Ukraine:

"The escalation of conflict in Ukraine has caused destruction of civilian infrastructure and civilian casualties and has forced people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. In the first week, more than a million refugees from Ukraine crossed borders into neighbouring countries, and many more are on the move both inside and outside the country. They are in need of protection and support. As the situation continues to unfold, an estimated 4 million people may flee Ukraine. In light of the emergency and paramount humanitarian needs of refugees from Ukraine, an inter-agency regional refugee response is being carried out, in support of refugee-hosting countries’ efforts. The regional refugee response plan brings together UN, NGO and other relevant partners and primarily focuses on supporting the host country governments to ensure safe access to territory for refugees and third-country nationals fleeing from Ukraine, in line with international standards. It also focuses on the provision of critical protection services and humanitarian assistance, while displacement dynamics and needs continue to grow exponentially."


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Stats of refugees in neighbouring countries of Ukraine as of March 14, 2022. Source:
https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="30abeabe-6574-4f82-8161-aff6ec32822e" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screen%20Shot%202022-03-14%20at%2010.56.52.png">


A digital copy of the letter sent for the Ukraine Civil Protection Agency to CTIF on March 14, 2022

A digital copy of the official letter sent from the Ukraine Civil Protection Agency to CTIF on March 14, 2022 .