Stephan Wevers, President of FEU and Milan Dubravac, President of CTIF, signs the renewal of the MOU in Madrid November 4th, 2022.
08 Feb 2023

Leadership Course: How can European fire officers navigate the EU parliament and its legislative process?


The European fire services have historically been well organized in national organizations and collaborations. But how does it look like on a European level?

At a national level, laws and political processes regulate the development of fire services, but also at European level, a great deal of legislative and development work is taking place.

The processes surrounding the EU Parliament and the work being done there can easily feel difficult to access.

- Which decisions lie at European level?

- What subjects are worked on?

- How do you gain influence?


Stephan Wevers, President of FEU and Milan Dubravac, President of CTIF, signs the renewal of the MOU in Madrid November 4th, 2022.
Stephan Wevers, President of FEU and Milan Dubravac, President of CTIF, signed a renewal of their MOU in Madrid November 4th, 2022.  

In order to address these questions, and more, the FEU, with whom CTIF has a Memorandum of Understanding, is arranging a Leadership course for fire officers for the second year in a row.  

The next ODP course will take place in June 2023, and the registration deadline is 1 March 2023.


A number of other industries have built up considerable expertise in the field over the years and devote large resources to this work. They do this in order to be at the forefront of developments, and to ensure that their professional input is heard and included in the legislative work.

But how does it look in the area of the fire services?

Many decisions are made at EU level that can affect the operation and development of fire services. The entire transformation of the energy sector, focus on sustainability in construction, changed requirements for working time planning and resilience in society, to name just a few obvious topics.

The emergency services do not have a permanent representation and often do not have the resources to follow the work in the EU closely. This means a risk of us not being heard, or even being aware of which topics and discussions are

taking place.

We only discover this when directives from the EU are to be included in national legislation. Often when the time for impact has passed.

Text based on press release by: Stephan Wevers, President of the FEU.